Here are what kind of animals live in the North Pole!

Despite being well known for the extremely cold weather, the North Pole or the Arctic region is home to a bunch of animals and plants. It’s not exaggerated that the northernmost point on Earth is really abundant in terms of plant life and animal life. While the South Pole or Antarctica is so renowned forContinue reading “Here are what kind of animals live in the North Pole!”

Ways To Care For Your Nails In Summer

The warm weather of summer is ideal for us to join many interesting outdoor activities. But when summer comes, it’s also time for us to pay more attention to our skin, our hair, and our nails as well. Similar to the hair and skin, our nails are also affected by direct sun rays and hot weather.Continue reading “Ways To Care For Your Nails In Summer”

How do you do good nails for beginners?

Cold temperatures and the dry air of winter make our nails more brittle and easy to get broken, chipped, or peeled. That’s the reason why we need to pay more attention and give the nails better care so that they are always strong, healthy, and beautiful no matter the weather. So, what should we do toContinue reading “How do you do good nails for beginners?”

Top Tips for Strong Summer Nails

Is summer your favorite season? Summer with warmer weather is ideal to go out and take part in your favorite outdoor activities, right? But do know you that summer is also the time that you better take of your skin, hair, and nails as well? Yep, that’s true. This is because strong direct sun rays during summerContinue reading “Top Tips for Strong Summer Nails”

Here are basic (but important) nail care tips for summer that you might not know

Summer is a great time for us to go out and join a wide range of outdoor activities. But it’s also time for us to better take care of our hair, our skin, and our nails as well. Related: Basic nail care tips for summer that you should know Nail care tips for summer, hereContinue reading “Here are basic (but important) nail care tips for summer that you might not know”

What is the weather in the Arctic?

The North Pole is located in the Arctic, at the northernmost point on Earth. Its latitude is 90 degrees north. There’s no time zone in the North Pole. But what is the weather in North Pole? Is it the coldest place on the planet? Well, if you are looking for the answers to these questions, it’sContinue reading “What is the weather in the Arctic?”

Here is what to know about what is the weather in North Pole!

Situated in the northernmost point on the planet, the North Pole (in the Arctic) is one of the coldest places in the world. As compared to the weather in the South Pole (in Antarctica), the North Pole weather appears to be warmer, but in fact, cold and colder are the only 2 options available inContinue reading “Here is what to know about what is the weather in North Pole!”

How does the equator affect climate

The equator’s latitude is 0 degrees. By definition, it’s a great circle dividing Earth into 2 halves, the Southern and Northern Hemisphere. Have you asked yourself the question “what is the climate at the equator?” Is it really hot there? Or how many seasons are in regions near the equator? If that’s the case, youContinue reading “How does the equator affect climate”

What month do seasonal allergies start?

While the rainy season makes the climate pleasant, it makes the outdoors a breeding ground for bacteria, causing health problems. Children and people with weak immunity are prone to diseases in the monsoon. Thus, to cherish good health, here are some common health tips for the rainy season. Related topic: Typical Signs You Have Seasonal AllergiesContinue reading “What month do seasonal allergies start?”

Typical Signs You Have Seasonal Allergies

Currently, a seasonal allergy is a very common disease in everyday life. Seasonal allergies are actually caused by changes in hot and cold temperatures or humidity that affect the growth of mold allergens or changes in pollen levels in the air. So what signs you have seasonal allergies? How to treat them? This article willContinue reading “Typical Signs You Have Seasonal Allergies”

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